Sunday, November 30, 2014

"Eeswaro" Ragam for "Anthareeksha vijayam" Kathakali

Dr. Radhakrishnan  plays his raga 'isro'  . He sings "Eeswaro" ragam and performs "Anthareeksha vijayam"  Kathakali !   And he does that extremely well ! None did it better.

Paper report from The Hindu dt 30 Nov.

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Pensioners - the greedy lot ?

"A substatial section of civil society gets  tizzy on hearing pensioners' demands.  Younger generation develops a perception that pensioners are greedy and ever demanding ."

Sri. S C Maheswari, Secretary General, Bharat Pensioners Samaj  wrote thus in the November issue of  its monthly magazine.

This is true. It's our task now to convince the society about this mistaken identity. We must tell everyone that :
We are asking only for which we have contributed
We are asking in accordance with the service conditions, and provided in our Constitution.
It's all clearly prononced by the Supreme Court.

Pensions are only  deferred wages. It's not a burden on the Society.
Present day pensioners accepted lower salary then, for a pension payment in their old age.

We developed this country, for you to share and grow.
Pensioners contribute even now, in many dimensions.

Saturday, November 22, 2014

Mangalyaan Among Best Inventions of 2014

We Indians, particularly ISRO and ISROites, should feel proud !  Our Mangalyaan brings a  huge recognition for ISRO !!  Please read on the report from, quoting TIME magazine.

New York:  Mangalyaan has been named among the best inventions of 2014 by Time magazine which described it as a technological feat that will allow India to flex its "interplanetary muscles."

"Nobody gets Mars right on the first try. The US didn't, Russia didn't, the Europeans didn't. But on September 24, India did. That's when the Mangalyaan... went into orbit around the Red Planet, a technological feat no other Asian nation has yet achieved," Time said about Mangalyaan, calling it "The Supersmart Spacecraft."

Mangalyaan is among the 25 'Best Inventions of 2014' listed by Time magazine that are "making the world better, smarter and-in some cases-a little more fun."

Developed by the Indian Space Research Organisation, the Mars spacecraft cost India just US $74 million, less than the budget for the multi-Academy Award winning science fiction thriller film Gravity. Time said at that price, the Mangalyaan is equipped with just five onboard instruments that allow it to do simple tasks like measure Martian methane and surface composition.

"More important, however, it allows India to flex its interplanetary muscles, which portends great things for the country's space programme and for science in general," Time said.


Time magazine Report

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