Sunday, May 11, 2014

Replies to 7CPC Questionnaire

Reproduced below is the reply regarding Pension,  to the Secretary, 7CPC from  BHARAT CENTRAL PENSIONERS CONFEDERATION

Question No. 10.2:  As far as pre 1.1.2004 appointee are concerned, what should be the structure of pension and other retirement benefits?
a)      The Scheme of one rank one pension in respect of defence personnel i.e. persons retired from same rank, same seniority and equal length of service should get equal pension irrespective of date of their retirement, having been ensured in respect of Defence Personnel (Army, Navy, Air force) , the principle of full parity in pension of civilians which had been enunciated by the V-CPC and implemented upto 4th CPC has to be ensured by the VII-CPC.
b)      In order that pension is adequate, the minimum pension should 65% of minimum pay and not 50% thereof.
c)       Supreme Court had ruled that pension should be adequate to enable pensioners to live: free from want, with decency, independence and self-respect; and at a standard equivalent at the pre-retirement level.  Therefore, the pension should be 65% of basis pay + DA last drawn.
d)      Dearness Relief @ 100 neutralisation of increase in cost of living with its automatic merger whenever it cross 50% mark.
e)      Additional Pension.  Recognising that with advancing age anyone is gradually crippled and becomes more susceptible to decease etc.  Therefore, after superannuation on attaining the age of 60 years the pension should be enhanced after each five years as under:
65 years               @ 10% of the basic pension
70 7ears               @ 20% -do-
75 years               @ 30% -do-
80 years               @ 50% -do-
85 Years               @ 70 % -do
90 years               @ 100% -do
f)       Pension should be net of Income Tax.
g)      Restoration of commuted value of pension should be after 12 years and not  after 15 years applicable to commutation as per old Tables existing upto 2008.
h)      Full pension after 20 years of service has to be extended also to the Pensioners who retired before 1.1.2006.
i)        Grievance procedure should be on the lines as under:
a)      Resolution of Pensioners Grievances should be ensured within a specified time frame.
b)      SCOVA be upgraded to JCM level
c)       Benefits of judicial decisions should be extended to all similarly  circumstanced pensioners
J)   Medical Facilities:
The following land mark judgements of the Supreme Court have held that the enjoyment of highest attainable standard of health is recognised as a fundamental rightsof all workers/pensioners in terms of aAticles 21 read with Articles 39,41,43 and 48 of the constitution.
a)      Consumer education and Reserch Centre and others vs. Union of India (AIR 1995 Supreme Court 922)
b)      Laxman Thammappa Kotgiri Vs. General Manager, Central Railway & Ors (2005 (1) SCALE.
c)       Indian Medical Council vs. VP Shantha & ors. 1995 (6) SCC651.
A.      Therefore, smart card may be issued to all pensioners of all Departments and their dependents to avail cash less, hussle free health care both indoor as well as outdoor across the country in-

a)      All Govt. Hospitals and Dispensaries,
b)       All NABH accredited multi super speciality Hospitals which has been allotted land on concessional rates  or given any otheraid/ concession by Govt.
c)       And All CGHS, RELHS and ECHS empanelled Hospitals.
A.      All Pensioners irrespective of pre-retrial class or status be treated equally in all matters like ward entitlements etc.
B.      Fixed Medical allowance should 2500 p.m. plus dearness relief thereon.
C.      Hospital Regulatory Authority may be set up to bring all NABH hospitals or diagonistic centres under its constant monitoring of quality, rates etc. CGHS rates may also be revisd as per market trend.
D.      Extension of CSMA Rules 1944 to pensioners residing outside CGHS area.
E.       Extension of minimum pension to EPS 95 pensioners, SRPF/CPF pensioners.
F.       Revise pension from 1.1.2014 and thereafter every 5 years.
G.     Gratuity should be based on total length of service @ one month emoluments for every completed service year/part thereof.
H.      Family pension should be at the rate of 50% of the pay + DA last drawn.


Final version of Reply to 7th CPC Questionnaire formulated by Staff Side JCM National Council 

Please try the link below for the full reply.

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