Saturday, February 27, 2016

Economic Survey and ISRO Retirees

Economic Survey  and  ISRO Retirees

Hey…. You thought  I am talking about  the  North and South poles ?  No …  Take it literally …   I am talking about all of us ISRO retirees and the Economic Survey presented  by the CEA yesterday. 
Why I am trying to mix the steel with water is,   it matters a lot for us.

First : 
The Economic Survey 2015-16 says that 7CPC and OROP implementation is a BURDEN on the exchequer.   
We all know that this is a burden and not a BURDEN !  
The  Once-in-a – decade Pay Commission  will certainly bring in burden on Govt finances.  Why did the Govt not understand that the wage/salary and pension revisions should be more frequent  ( every 2 or 3 years !).  Such revisions will bring in small increases in loads if atall they are loads on finances.
The Govt must be knowing that there has to be an increase in this load. Why didn’t you plan things to accommodate such increases ?   Why did you not plan to invest well for increased returns for meeting the burden ?  You made the burden a BURDEN. 
Well … I don’t like to say anything more  here .

Second :  
Before I tell you something on this , you should confirm yourself that you belong to this class .
All of us … no…. Most of us …. No …. Many of us … no … Some of us ….  Err… may be right … now  what’s right  among this ?  Let me say, many of us are Tax payers. So , Be proud ! We are good citizens !  We are among the 5.5 %  of the “well-off”  in India who pays tax. Rest of the well-off  are non-tax-payers .  As the Govt needs more Tax collection the net is about to be spread. So  no more raising the tax exemption threshold.  So…. 3 Lakh exemption in 2015-16 is  3 Lakh exemption in 2016-17.  Moreover since you are in the net  , you can continue to be in the comfort of the net in the future too.

Third :
The  media reports say  that there is a section in the Economic Survey  report called  “Bounties for the well-off” .  It says ,  there are 7 major areas where the well-off are subsidized.
Kerosene   5501 Cr.       Yes …  I think I am getting  a subsidy for my  ONE  Litre quota of Keresene from the Ration shop.  Dear FM ,  please take off that subsidy.
Railways    3670 Cr.        Yes … You are offering me 40% reduction in fares for my travel in Railway.  If you want us  (these old guys !)  to pay full for our once-in-a-while travel, no problem … Make it so…
Electricity    37170 Cr.       No…no… I don’t think I am getting any subsidized  Electricity .  Please find out who gives to whom.
LPG    40151 Cr.   Yes I understand that about Rs. 150/= per cylinder (and 10 cylinders in an year )  is paid back to me as subsidy.  OK… If you are so firm on it I don’t mind … Take it off  !
Gold    4093 Cr.   My God,  You should not offer any subsidy to buy Gold for any one.  Take it off immediately.. Right now !
Aviation Turbine Fuel     762 Cr.   I need not comment at all .  No need to subsidise  things like this ( By the by, who asked for this subsidy ? )
Small Savings    11900  Cr.     First you should know that Small Savings means  NSC, Post Office deposits and PPF.  I never knew that my small savings are subsidized.  I  thought these are Govt’s  competitive ways of fund collections from public.  Govt must be using these huge amounts for  investing in various programmes that generate income.  And so Govt is paying interest on the deposits ,  hardly 0.5 % more than the Bank deposits.  Ooh …  If you have a well-thought decision to take off the subsidy (?) ... Ok. But I am sure, your intentions will falter.

That’s the end of the story of  7 subsidies from the Economic Survey Report.  Now, let’s wait for Feb 29 !  We’ll listen to  Mr. Jaitly. He is ready with  more  subsidies. He'll  give and take subsidies. 
After all, let's pray  .. He should not  subsidise the 7CPC recommendations. 

1 comment:

  1. You left the most important 2 elements, petrol and diesel. Some time ago there was a demand by Kerala High Court , on the undue increase in petrol /diesel prices by Rs 5, that the oil companies should produce the details of account which demands the price increase. Till now I have not seen anything on this in the media.
    Coming to these elements,
    1)The subsidy is effectively reduction of the tax only. In the correct sense there is no subsidy (another term for 'discount' by corporates) here. If properly calculated the production cost+ profit will be much less than the current sales price.
    2)The Government FOOLISHLY allowed the Diesel vehicles for personal use. They should have resisted the foreign automobile companies introduction of diesel cars. The production of diesel vehicles continue even today. Today the government is indicating that the subsidy of diesel is used only 2% by the poor! I fail to understand this 2% poor, who use diesel and for what purpose. Do they say that the heavy transport and carrier vehicles are not serving the poor(though they are owned by the rich)?
    3) Subsidy of petrol - how the expects to be used more by the poor and for which purpose? By the definition of their 'poor', no body will be in need of petrol for their use. So the statistics given is a fool's statement.
    4)This is the Govt. (may not be BJP) which lured the public to use LPG as cooking fuel and not to use wood or kerosene which is required for industrial purposes. Today the public is being tortured on this issue of subsidy and number of cylinders. they should remember that the LPG is the last, waste product of the refinary and all it is to be charged is the cylinder, bottling and distribution expenses.If not used the gas is left to the atmosphere.
    5)The Govt. also is to remember that they are to give the diesel and electricity to the farmers at a reduced (subsidised) rate, this being a farmers country. It is the responsibility of the Govt. and not a burden on them. they should also remember the extending of "tax holidays, uninterrupted lower rate electricity, diesel, free land (misused later) etc." for the huge industries, which ultimately put this country to cough up more fund to maintain health and environment issues.
    But the Govt. does not bother about this because they get 'money'


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